Brown & Thigpen Auctions – 110 NE Railroad Street Wallace, NC

110 NE Railroad St

United States

The Brown & Thigpen Auctions, LLC. auction house in Wallace, North Carolina is located at: 110 NE Railroad Street, Wallace, North Carolina, 28466 {near the railroad tracks}

Auctioneer: Ada Thigpen Brown – NC Lic# 8100 E-Mail:
NCAL Firm #7363 Telephone # (910) 285-9955 & 910-289-0532

Auctions are held every other Saturday at 5:00 pm.

Brown & Thigpen Auctions - auction house in Wallace, North Carolina
Brown & Thigpen Auctions, LLC.
110 NE Railroad Street, Wallace, North Carolina, 28518

DIRECTIONS: Exit 385 off I-40 on Hwy. 41 South. 3 miles to Wallace. Stay straight on Southerland Street, turn left on NE Railroad Street before RR tracks. Auction on left.

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